Transporting cakes in pristine condition requires special care. Discover four pro tips for sturdy cake boxes, cushioning, travel orientation and delivery refrigeration. Follow these tricks to deliver cakes looking as perfect as they taste!
Cakes are often provided for special occasions, such as weddings or birthdays. So the cake arriving damaged, especially if beyond repair, can be a disaster and really ruin the event.
Your package will go through numerous pairs of hands during its journey, and there's no guarantee that it will be handled with great care. This can easily result in harm so, to ensure this does not happen, you can take various precautions that will reduce the chances of any damage occurring.
1. Prepare the Cake
Light and fluffy cakes are more prone to damage so, whenever possible, choose a cake with a more solid consistency that will resist knocks. If this isn't possible, there are other measures you can take to avoid damage.
A cake can be very heavy, so place it or its base tier on a sturdy base. Ideally, this should be a fibreboard or plywood base that is around one centimetre thick.
A cake that's encased in stiff fondant icing will hold its shape better than one that's not and will be better prepared for shipping. It's also advisable to freeze the cake before shipping since the cold temperature will help to preserve its freshness.
Wrap the cake completely in plastic saran wrap or similar and then in aluminium foil to retain the cold temperature as long as possible. You can also or alternatively put the cake in a Styrofoam cooler that will keep it cool.
2. Pack the Cake
A cake that comprises several tiers on pillars needs to be transported unassembled with candles and other ornaments removed for safe shipping. One that's made of a number of stacked tiers can, however, be transported in its fully assembled form unless the number of tiers is too large to make this practical.
Place the cake, possibly wrapped, in a sturdy box that will protect it from dirt, insects and knocks. Ideally, choose a heavy duty cardboard box that will take the cake without too much space around to prevent excessive movement.
If there is space around, pack with shredded Kraft paper, tissue paper or similar that will prevent movement and also provide insulation to keep the cake cool in transit. You can also use two-sided tape to fix the cake's base to the bottom of the box so it won't shift in transit. If you place ornaments, candles or anything else in the box, you can also hold them in place with tape.
3. Seal and Label the Package
Use wide, pressure-sensitive plastic tape to seal the box securely. Don't use cellophane tape or masking tape as these aren't strong enough and can be easily removed. Apply several layers to every join and seam to prevent the box opening in transit.
Clearly label the box with destination name and address as well as your own details as sender. Also, indicate that the contents are FRAGILE and perishable, and mark as 'THIS WAY UP' with an arrow. Use large and clear labels because the last thing you want is for your cake to be transported upside down and handled carelessly.
4. Choose Your Courier
The possibility of damage will be minimised if transit time is as short as possible. Therefore, choose a same day or overnight service with a reputable courier that offers insurance. Consider taking additional insurance cover if necessary.
At PackQueen, we can provide everything you need to ensure your cake arrives safely at its destination. Combined with a little care and attention, you can almost certainly avoid disappointment and help to make sure each event is a success.