Packaging Design & Tips

Creating Great Customer Experience

Creating Great Customer Experience - PackQueen
Positive customer experiences lead to lasting relationships. Discover how to consistently exceed customer expectations. We'll share key strategies for creating great experiences that keep clients coming back again and again.

There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.
Sam Walton, founder of Sam's Club and Wal-Mart and the richest man in America at one time, said it best.

In this day and age of over-saturated markets, you need an edge. There has to be a little something extra that sets you apart from the rest of the pack. That little something extra can be delivering great customer experience.

Customer Service vs. Customer Experience

Before we get down to the brass tacks, we need to understand the essentials.

Customer service is what your team of employees provide customers every time they cross paths and interact - whether it's in person, over the phone or through emails. It's only one of the tenets of customer experience. When you go into a store to buy something and the person who helped you out was cheerful and helpful, that's customer service.

Then let's say that the assistant informed you that the store offers custom-made gift products and takes you through the options. So, you put an order through. Your order gets delivered and you see for yourself that it's very well-made and beautifully-packaged complete with a thank-you note from the owner or manager and a discount code for your next purchase. That's customer experience.

Why is great customer experience important?

Whether you're a small, family-owned venture or a big company, customer experience helps determine how successful your business gets. One wrong move and it can mean lost revenue and a failed attempt at winning over a customer.

More than carrying awesome products, you need to make sure your consumers are happy not just with your wares but with your service as well. That one smile, that one email makes the difference between winning over a loyal customer and a one-time buyer.

Simply put: happy customers become loyal customers and loyal customers spread the word about the company that makes them happy.

So, how do you go about creating a great customer experience?

1. Know your customer


Let's face it: there's no use doing something without knowing who you're doing it for. It pays to find out who makes up your audience because then you'll have a better idea of what to shoot for and how.

2. Calibrate your mission, vision, and processes

Goal picture

The framework of your entire business needs to be built on creating a great customer experience otherwise it will only be about the money. Great customer experience really is so much more than just revenue.

3. Connect with your customers


Take advantage of the almighty social media. Create impactful email campaigns. Think up creative ways to generate interest in your brand and build connections with your audience. Keep in mind that the best customer experiences begin when a business or a team member establishes an emotional connection with the customer.

Make sure you also capture your customers' feedback so you can get a clear picture as to what works and what doesn't along with what else you need to do in terms of improving customer interaction.

4. Educate and strengthen your team


The old adage remains true: Teamwork makes the dream work. You're only as strong, as good and as effective as the people who work for you.

You need to make sure your team shares your dream, your vision for the company. You need a team of people that share your values otherwise it won't work since most of them will be on the frontlines.

At the same time, make sure you also listen to and act upon employee feedback otherwise you'll end up with disgruntled workers who only come in for the pay. It all makes sense, too! Happy employees help make and keep customers happy for you!

5. Measure


Want to know if any of your initiatives are bearing any fruits? Make sure you measure the results for return of investment that you can funnel back into the business so you can create other programs that can win you new and loyal customers. It's the great circle of life for a successful business that capitalizes on giving customers a great experience each and every time.

Creating a great customer experience is more achievable now than ever before. We hope that with the steps and tips included in this article, we're able to help guide you to the path of satisfied customers, content employees and a thriving business that will be around for many generations!

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