Chocolate Boxes - PackQueen

Chocolate Boxes

Satisfy your sweet tooth and present your chocolates in style with our chocolate boxes. Made from sturdy and food-safe materials, our chocolate boxes offer protection and presentation for all your favorite chocolates. With different sizes and finishes available, our chocolate boxes cater to all types of chocolate gift-giving needs.

Chocolate Boxes

Chocolate Boxes for Sale in Australia

Need an impressive box for chocolate or confectionery products? At PackQueen, you can buy chocolate boxes online in Australia to package your products safely and present them beautifully to your customers. Whether you are looking for small chocolate packaging, assorted chocolates, or even heart-shaped chocolate boxes, our custom chocolate gift boxes and confectionary packaging are available in a variety of colours, designs, and sizes. They are manufactured from 285gsm paperboard and come with removable inserts to hold each piece of chocolate in place. Our chocolate box packaging is designed to hold anything from two to 24 chocolates. The transparent lid allows you to showcase your products without opening the box. We also have custom chocolate boxes with slide-over covers, perfect for when you want to add your branding to the box.

Custom Chocolate Gift Boxes & Packaging in Every Size & Style

The right chocolate box can showcase your products in the best possible way. Our collection of chocolate box packaging come in a wide range of colours, finishes, and styles – so you can choose one that suits your corporate image or a particular season or occasion. We have a large variety of window boxes, cardboard gift boxes, and plastic boxes to display chocolate well, plus the option to print or add a custom label for your corporate or product branding or personalised custom ribbons for added appeal. With our custom chocolate boxes, you can print and produce batches as needed to package corporate gifts and party favours for special events, or as Christmas gift boxes.

Buy Chocolate Boxes Online at Wholesale Rates

At PackQueen, we offer custom chocolate boxes and packaging at competitive wholesale prices. Buy chocolate gift boxes online and have them delivered to your door across Australia. We will ensure your products look fantastic in their chocolate boxes and keep them safe from damage. All boxes and inserts are provided flat for convenient transport and storage but can be easily and quickly assembled with no need for glue. Our chocolate gift boxes are made of food-grade card and can be complemented by food-grade tissue paper to line the box or cover the chocolates if necessary. We also offer additional accessories to complete your chocolate box packaging, including ribbons, gift bags, and gift wrap.

Sustainable Chocolate Packaging at PackQueen

At PackQueen, we know that we are creating a lot of paper and card packaging, and we would hate to see it end up in a landfill. That is why we strive to make sustainable chocolate packaging with as little environmental impact as possible. Ask us for more details on our biodegradable chocolate packaging supplies.